IMF urges financial overhaul in Middle East and Central Asia
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Monday called on the Middle East and Central Asia (MECA) to play an active role in repairing the international financial system, and to implement the reforms needed to render the region's financial systems more resilient.
Russia: Iran closer to creating nuclear weapons
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said Monday Iran was gaining the ability to build a nuclear bomb, the strongest criticism of Iran's nuclear program to emerge from the Kremlin under either Medvedev or his predecessor, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
Bulgaria Hopes to Get Belene Nuclear Plant Consultant by Sept
The Bulgarian Energy Holding is expected to pick a consultant to help it decide how to proceed and attract new investors for the planned Belene nuclear power plant by September, the energy minister has said.
President sees changes in Lithuania turning into reality after a year of presidency
The press service of the Presidential Palace presents the president's statements on what has changed in Lithuania over that time. "Lithuanian people wanted change and now they see it on the move.
Japan Engages a Nuclear India
Japan, long critical of Indian nuclear policy, is discussing a civilian nuclear energy cooperation agreement that could be signed by the end of the year when the Indian prime minister visits Tokyo, Harsh V Pant comments for ISN Security Watch.
Gazprom tries to get RWE on board gas pipeline
Russian gas behemoth Gazprom is trying to get German power company RWE to join the South Stream gas pipeline project, a press report said on Monday, raising the stakes for a rival European programme.
N Korea postpones talks with US
North Korea postpones talks scheduled with the US-led United Nations Command about the sinking of a South Korean warship.
External Relations Briefing: Russian-Jordanian Relations (59 Kb)
Jordan has always been a moderate monarchy and, taking into account the role of the British Empire in the foundation of the Hashemite Kingdom, one of the most pro-Western regimes in the Arab East. Jordan’s well-established relations with Russia, which have become even closer and warmer during the last decade, might therefore seem surprising. However, in the Middle East, perhaps even more than in any geopolitical regions, neither generalizations nor stereotypes are able to reflect complex realities. Moscow and Amman have a number of reasons to preserve and cultivate their cooperation