China opposes any form of nuclear proliferation
"China firmly opposes any form of nuclear proliferation," and "it has fulfilled its international non-proliferation obligations in a highly responsible and constructive manner, and has taken active part in international non-proliferation efforts," Li Baodong, head of the Chinese delegation to the conference to review the Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty (NPT), said here Tuesday.
Iran center stage at nuclear treaty conference
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad seized center stage at the opening of a monthlong debate at the United Nations on how to stop the spread of nuclear weapons. But behind the scenes, UN Security Council powers were discussing ways to punish Iran for defying their demands that it curb nuclear activities that could be used to make bombs.
Turkish defense agency seeks to bolster private shipyards
As part of its efforts to manufacture indigenous surface warships, Turkey is attaching top priority to bolstering the capability of private shipyards.
Russia Sees No Chance Of NATO Membership For Ukraine And Georgia
Russia's Ambassador to NATO says chances of Ukraine and Georgia getting NATO membership in the near future are grim.
EGF Foreign Policy Briefing: Russian Relations with the Syrian Arab Republic (58 Kb)
Although Russia is now concentrating on its near abroad (the states and territories of the former Soviet Union), not global domination, for both geo-political and strategic reasons, the Arab and Muslim countries of the Middle East are of substantial and even growing interest to Moscow. Its bilateral relations with Syria are of particular importance for both parties and are not without impact on the whole region.
Putin and Kadyrov Among ‘Predators of Press Freedom’
In honor of World Press Day on Monday, the Paris-based press watchdog Reporters Without Borders released its annual list of “Predators of Press Freedom.”
Putin hails Russia-Ukraine relation breakthrough
The relationship between Russia and Ukraine achieved "a breakthrough", said Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Friday.
Wind energy rescues fading German shipyard
The illustrious history of Germany's century-old Nordseewerke shipyard was heading toward a final unhappy chapter when the global economic crisis throttled demand, dooming one of the region's biggest employers.