G20 hopeful on economic recovery
The G20 says the global economy is emerging from recession faster than expected, although the Greek crisis causes concern.
EU puts plan to share bank data with US agencies back on track
The European Union is set to resume talks on the sharing of citizens' financial information with counter-terrorism agencies in the United States. The plans had been put on hold due to privacy concerns.
Russian, Ukrainian ties unique, says Putin
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Thursday that relations between Moscow and Kiev are 'an exceptional case.'He also urged other countries not to request similarly to Russia, especially concerning the sector of natural gas.
NATO ministers agree plan for Afghanistan security handover
Ministers have agreed on a NATO plan for the gradual handover of security responsibilities in Afghanistan to Afghan forces. Earlier in the talks, ministers discussed the withdrawal of nuclear weapons from Europe.
Hungary opens gates to Turkish investors
Hungarian consul general to Istanbul has invited Turkish investors to Hungary in the production fields that require high technology.
Buzek Ilves discuss energy environment Russian affairs
Toomas Hendrik Ilves to discuss the Eastern partnership, energy supply security, environment, and relations with Russia. We are talking about the most important issues for our citizens, like energy
Greece activates the EU-IMF financial rescue package
Greece's Prime Minister George Papandreou has asked for the EU-IMF bailout deal to be activated immediately. It is hoped the rescue package will help the recovery of the debt-laden country.
Oil industry politics mapped out
Politics of Scotland's oil industry future mapped out The main political parties have been spelling out their views on the future of North Sea oil and gas. The offshore industry