A nuclear Iran / How far will the world go?
Six world powers, including China, agreed Wednesday to begin drafting a UN Security Council resolution for new sanctions against Iran, in an effort to halt its nuclear program.
Google vs. China: Cyber World War I
Last week we witnessed the first Cyber War, but it didn't go down quite as many of us expected. Instead of a group of anonymous hackers rying to take over thousands of infected PCs or trying to cut off access to critical infrastructure, we saw Google declare the first salvo in its war against Chinese censorship by moving its servers to Hong Kong.
Iran top nuclear negotiator heads to Beijing
Iran's state media has reported that the country's top nuclear negotiator is heading to China to discuss possible U.N. sanctions against Tehran over its disputed nuclear program.
22,000 Lithuania’s residents sign petition against Belarusian nuclear power plant
Organizers of the electronic petition "No for Construction of Belarus Nuclear Power Plant near Vilnius" have submitted a sheet with almost 22,000 signatures of residents to the Government.
Remapping the Nuclear Grid
<font size="3"><font face="Arial">These nations now find themselves competing against Soviet nuclear power science.</font></font>
China wary of US-Russia nuclear embrace
United States President Barack Obama is about to pull off his biggest foreign policy achievement thus far as a perfect twin to the historic healthcare reform bill passed this week.
Juhan Parts: Estonian economy benefits from opening of the electricity market
Opening up Estonian electricity market to large consumers benefits the Estonian economy more than it harms individual companies, Estonian economy and communications minister Juhan Parts said in national television ETV’s morning programme on Wednesday.