New wind energy park in North East Estonia to start operating in November
A unique wind energy park that is being built in old ash fields of the Baltic Power Station in North East Estonia should start operating in November 2011, LETA/National Broadcasting reports.
North Korea ready for unconditional nuclear talks
n a meeting with President Dmitry Medvedev, North Korean leader Kim il-Jong said he is ready to resume the six-party talks on the settlement of the nuclear problem on the Korean Peninsula without preconditions.
Tata Power seeks power projects outside India
Tata Power, part of the diversified Tata group, is looking for power projects outside the country to sustain its growth, chairman Ratan Tata said on Wednesday.
First nuclear power project in Turkey
In the course of a month of the variants of the plan be approved as a basis. The Russian-Turkish cooperation in the construction and operation of the atomic plant "Akkuyu" was signed in May last year in Ankara. It is planned to build four power generators with light water reactors, according to the Russian.
Latvia and Lithuania boost prices at Estonian electricity bourse
For companies who buy electricity from the open market fixing prices is of no use either since new year’s price negotiations are based on the average price of the previous year.
China joins shale gas hunt
China should accelerate the pace of its exploration for shale gas and other unconventional natural gas to cut emissions and reduce its increasing dependence on imported fossil fuels, experts and industry players said. China now relies more on imported oil than the United States.
Turkmenistan sends power industry development project for revision
Turkmen President Gurbangulu Berdimuhammedov instructed the finalization of a draft General Program for the Turkmen Energy Sector Development for 2011-2020, an official Turkmen source reported on Monday.
Moscow backs India's bid to join Nuclear Suppliers Group
Russia has pledged to help India join the Nuclear Suppliers Group.Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov received Indian Ambassador to Russia Ajai Malhotra on Monday, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on its website.