Nuclear summit urges wider use of atomic power
In the absence of any government action to cap carbon emissions, new nuclear plants in the United States will need loan guarantees and a promise of stable future prices and customers if America is to move forward as a leader in the worldwide nuclear renaissance, panelists at a nuclear power conference said Tuesday.
India-Kazakhstan oil pact likely by February
In an effort to fulfil the growing energy demands, India and Kazakhstan will likely to sign a key oil deal. As per the deal, India's OVL, the foreign arm of ONGC will acquire 25 per cent stake in Kazakhstan's Satpayev Block by end of February.
Estonia is very interested in participating in the Lithuanian nuclear power plant
Estonian prime minister Andrus Ansip confirmed at the Baltic states and Polish heads of governments meeting on Sunday that Estonia is very much interested in participating in the Lithuanian nuclear power plant project, LETA/Delfi reports.
India takes its time as Turkmenistan seeks separate rates for natural gas
Turkmenistan has proposed to charge different prices for supplying natural gas through the proposed 1,680 km pipeline that would deliver 90 million cubic metres a day to Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, officials in New Delhi said.
ithuania's plans for nuclear plant go into meltdown
Lithuania's year-long tendering process for the construction of a new nuclear power plant collapsed Friday following the sudden withdrawal of the leading contender.