Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia sign nuclear fuel transit deal
Russia, Ukraine and Slovakia signed on Thursday in Bratislava an intergovernmental agreement on transit of nuclear materials via Ukraine, the Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom reported.
The Southern Energy Corridor: to be or not to be
In recent years a discussion about the future of the Southern Energy Corridor, which envisages connecting the oil and gas-rich Caspian and neighboring countries with consumers in Europe and elsewhere, has gone a long way from theoretical considerations to practical steps.
Russia to become major partner in building new Armenian nuclear power plant
Armenian prime minister Tigran Sarkisian told a group of Russian journalists in Yerevan that Russia will be one of the main participants in building a new unit for Armenian nuclear power plant along with France and the United States, which will bring their state-of-the-art technology. He said some orders for the new unit are being placed already.
Grybauskaite and Lukashenko discussed Eastern Partnership and energy issues
President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė had a meeting with President Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus in Minsk where they discussed regional cooperation between the two countries within the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to be chaired by Lithuania in 2011, as well as possibilities for bilateral cooperation.
Power shortages for Bulgaria possible after Kozloduy nuclear repairs go awry
Bulgaria may experience some power shortages and electric exports may also be affected, after a problem was detected with Reactor 6 of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant during annual repair works
India to seek US help for entry into NSG
Pushing for the maximum during US President Barack Obama’s visit next month, India is looking to corner a firm commitment from the US to help facilitate India’s entry into the elite Nuclear Suppliers’ Group (NSG).
Russian Arctic's 'nuclear dump' gets a facelift
An electronic sign along a busy street posts the outside temperature, the wind strength -- and the radioactivity level.
Company cheats in winning tenders in Bulgaria's nuclear power plant
A building company was fined for using a false certificate to win public tenders in Bulgaria's Kozloduy nuclear power plant, local Commission For Protection Of Competition (CPC) said on Monday.