TAPI natural gas pipeline through Afghanistan revived
The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India natural gas pipeline, first proposed in 1995, is back on the drawing boards.
Greening our energy, greening the economy
How green is our economy? While there is no precise answer to this question, our economy is neither green nor grey, but remains black.
Chinese missile could shift Pacific power balance
Nothing projects U.S. global air and sea power more vividly than supercarriers. Bristling with fighter jets that can reach deep into even landlocked trouble zones, America's virtually invincible carrier fleet has long enforced its dominance of the high seas.
Surge in Nuclear Power Projects Imperils Belarusian Program
According to Belarusian First Vice-Prime Minister, Uladzimir Syamashka, the end of July was scheduled to mark the finalization of an agreement between Belarus and Russia to build the nuclear power station at Astravets in the Hrodna region with construction of the station to start next July
EU Seeks Caspian Gas Accord to Cut Russian Dependence
The European Union is seeking an agreement on a natural-gas pipeline between Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan as the 27-nation bloc aims to import Caspian fuel and reduce its dependence on Russia.
US-China tensions over South China Sea
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s provocative stance at the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) security forum last month, where she voiced opposition to China’s claims in the South China Sea, has inflamed another global flashpoint.
US Urges Japan To Take "Strong Measures" Against Iran
The United States on Wednesday urged Japan, which has long been having good relations with Iran, to emulate Europe and take "strong measures" to punish Tehran over its controversial uranium-enrichment program.
Poland and Lithuania discuss gas pipeline
The European Union could fund a portion of a natural gas pipeline discussed by Polish and Lithuanian officials, a gas company said.