China and Russia sign power-grid agreement
British Prime Minister David Cameron wooed Indian business leaders Wednesday in a remarkable pitch aimed at revitalizing his nation's economy with help from the burgeoning Asian power it once ruled.
Elering is preparing to take over the natural gas transmission network in Estonia
The Government is planning to re-nationalise the gas transmission network of Eesti Gaas and have the electricity transmission grid enterprise Elering administering it, writes LETA/Postimees Online.
Russia welcomes Iran’s readiness to discuss fuel exchange
Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Anderi Nesterenko in a statement published here on Tuesday welcomed Iran’s readiness for technical talks in the field of exchanging nuclear fuel for Tehran Research Reactor.
Athens presses for South Stream pipeline
The South Stream gas pipeline to Europe will top the agenda during bilateral talks between Greek and Bulgarian officials Tuesday in Sofia, officials said.
Tolerant to Western criticism, Iran is sensitive to Russia's
Moscow and Tehran have been living through a period of chill in their relations. It was evidenced in Moscow's reaction to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's recent words accusing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev of becoming "the spokesman for the Iran' s enemies."
China offers to co-invest in Bulgaria nuclear power plant
China Development Bank offered to co-invest in the planned construction of a nuclear power plant in Belene, Bulgaria, the Serbian government said, citing talks between Serbian Energy and Mining Minister Petar Skundric and a Chinese delegation.
EU Floats Serbia-Kosovo Talks Offer, Ratchets Up Iran Sanctions
In a bid to break the deadlock between Serbia and Kosovo over the latter's status, the EU has offered to mediate talks between the two sides in Brussels.
Tribunal has final word on water wars
If there is an interstate water dispute or if any state government senses the likelihood of a water dispute because of any executive action or legislation passed or proposed by another state, it can bring it to the Centre's notice.