To engage Iran, India looks to beat US, UN sanctions by being creative
In the clearest indication so far of New Delhi’s intent to do business with Tehran despite the growing international isolation of Iran over its nuclear weapons programme, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has proposed “creative mechanisms” to insulate Indian enterprises from the adverse impact of UN and US sanctions.
Iran rebuilds silk route
Iran has embarked on a series of ambitious projects to revive the historic Silk Road, moves aimed at expanding its regional influence and overcoming Western efforts to isolate it.
IAEA scheduled for Armenia visit
International monitors are expected in Armenia to examine plans to start construction of a nuclear power plant, a state agency said.
US, India sign pact on reprocessing of nuclear spent fuel
India and the US have signed an agreement on reprocessing of American nuclear spent fuel by India, marking the final steps in terms of implementation of the landmark civil nuclear deal between the two countries.
Ukraine to plug $2 billion budget gap with IMF loan
Ukraine will use $2 billion out of its new $15 billion IMF facility to finance its budget deficit this year and will stick to tight fiscal targets imposed by the deal
Moscow wrong to write off Western Ukraine as inevitably anti-Russian
Russian officials are making a costly and two-fold mistake in viewing Ukraine as a country permanently divided between a virulently nationalistic and Russophobic West and a Russian-speaking and pro-Moscow East, according to a senior analyst at the Moscow Institute of CIS Countries
Russia Unveils Privatization Plan as Largest US Investor Divests
Russia has announced the largest privatization program since the post-communist sales of the early 1990s.
The EU position on energy cooperation in the Black Sea region
Günther H. Oettinger, the EU Commissioner for Energy in his speech at the International Odessa Forum (27.07.2010) underlined the importance of closer energy cooperation in the Black Sear region for the EU and the participating states. He stressed the EU strategic importance of efficient energy supply through regional pipelines.