Parliament adopts law on election of MPs
Ukrainian MPs continue working on new electoral draft law
President: Turkmenistan never politicised economic cooperation
Turkmenistan has never and is not politicising economic cooperation, Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhammadov said in an interview with Chinese media outlets published locally.
Vietnamese, Russian leaders meet on cooperation
Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai and Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov Igor Ivanovich met in Hanoi on Monday for their meeting as co-chairs of the Vietnam-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission for Economic, Trade, Scientific and Technical Cooperation (CETSTC).
Afghanistan, Middle East and North Africa, Iran and Somalia discussed in Brussels
EU Foreign Ministers met in Brussels on 14-15 November to discuss Afghanistan, Middle East and North Africa, Iran and Somalia. Minister for Europe David Lidington reported the outcome to Parliament.
Turkmenistan rejects Russian doubts over gas reserves
Turkmenistan has issued an angry response to Russian scepticism over the size of its natural gas reserves and reinforced its ambition to find new energy markets in Asia and Europe that will cut its dependence on the Kremlin.
Iran pushes foward plan to review ties with UN nuclear watchdog
Tehran's Foreign Minister Salehi has played down talk of withdrawing from IAEA or NPT, but parliament speaker adamant about reconsidering cooperation in light of recent damning report.
Philippines considers South Korean military equipment
The Philippines on Monday expressed its interest in acquiring military helicopters, boats and aircraft from South Korea as part of efforts to boost its military capabilities amid growing tensions with China in the disputed South China Sea.