Putin says Russia weathering sanctions, lectures West
President Vladimir Putin boasted on Friday that Russia had found the "inner strength" to prevent sanctions causing a deep economic crisis, and told the West to stop using "the language of ultimatums."
Euro zone to discuss handling Greek default if no new proposals
Euro zone finance ministers will discuss how to hand a looming Greek default at a meeting on Monday unless Athens submits new proposals in the loans-for-reforms talks, EU officials said.
Euro zone sets emergency summit on Greece as money flees
Euro zone leaders will hold an emergency summit on Monday to try to avert a Greek default after bank withdrawals accelerated and government revenue slumped as Athens and its international creditors remain deadlocked over a debt deal.
Russia missile plan has 'rattling effect', reality less dramatic
A senior U.S. State Department official played down on Thursday an announcement by Russia that it will add more than 40 new intercontinental ballistic missiles to its nuclear arsenal this year.
U.S. tech firm Cisco to invest $10 billion in China expansion
Cisco (CSCO.O) plans to invest more than $10 billion in China along with local business partners over the next several years, the U.S. network equipment maker said on Wednesday, as it seeks to shore up its position against strong domestic rivals.
Investors too relaxed on 'Grexit' risk, some fund managers warn
Tom Sowanick, a three-decade veteran of the investment business, returned from a trip to Greece this week with a "very sobering view" of its debt crisis: he now expects the country to default on its obligations and leave the euro zone.
Germany hardens line on Greece after talks collapse
German politicians from across the political spectrum backed Chancellor Angela Merkel's firm line in aid talks with Athens on Monday despite the growing risk of a Greek default that could push it out of the euro zone.
China to extend economic diplomacy to EU infrastructure fund
China will pledge a multi-billion dollar investment in Europe's new infrastructure fund at a summit on June 29 in Brussels, according to a draft communique seen by Reuters - Beijing's latest round of chequebook diplomacy to win greater influence.