Tymoshenko denies charges of being complicit in businessman murder (3 Mb)
Bulgaria nuclear vote 'invalidated by low turnout'
A controversial referendum on whether to build a new nuclear power plant in Bulgaria appears to have been invalidated by low turnout.
North Korea Tests China and the World
Repeating the past, North Korea's young ruler Kim Jong Un has threatened the US and South Korea with dire consequences for opposition to the nation's missile adventurism. In a break from the past, Kim issued thinly disguised criticism of North Korea's principal benefactors - China and Russia. The latest turn in North Korea's brinkmanship will test China's newly installed party Secretary General Xi Jinping.
More transparency on Russia's military modernization goals would enhance security in Europe
Prime Minister of Latvia Valdis Dombrovskis (Unity) has submitted a report on Latvia's security situation to Saeima, in which he points out that more transparency on Russia's military modernization goals would substantially improve mutual trust and enhance the security situation in Europe, informs LETA.
Gazprom Sends Ukraine $7 Billion Bill as Gas Dispute Deepens
Gazprom (GAZP) sent Ukraine’s state-run energy company a $7 billion bill for failing to import agreed natural-gas volumes last year, in an echo of a conflict that twice disrupted shipments to European customers in recent years.
Resolve the North Korean nuclear issue
Given the turmoil in the Middle East and South Asia and the tension in East Asia, success in resolving the North Korea nuclear issue is needed and still could be within reach, despite North Korea's harsh response to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution condemning it for the missile launch in December.
Arab Spring countries at crossroads of interests
Summer came after spring, autumn came after summer, then winter and spring again came, but as opposed to the laws of nature, normal economic development will not return to the Arab world countries suffering the so-called 'Arab Spring'.
Kazakhstan says ready to host Iran and G 5+1 talks
Kazakh Foreign Minister Erlan Idrisov said that Kazakhstan is ready to host Tehran and Group 5+1 talks, Ria Novosti reported.