N Korea postpones talks with US
North Korea postpones talks scheduled with the US-led United Nations Command about the sinking of a South Korean warship.
External Relations Briefing: Russian-Jordanian Relations (59 Kb)
Jordan has always been a moderate monarchy and, taking into account the role of the British Empire in the foundation of the Hashemite Kingdom, one of the most pro-Western regimes in the Arab East. Jordan’s well-established relations with Russia, which have become even closer and warmer during the last decade, might therefore seem surprising. However, in the Middle East, perhaps even more than in any geopolitical regions, neither generalizations nor stereotypes are able to reflect complex realities. Moscow and Amman have a number of reasons to preserve and cultivate their cooperation
Suspected Spies Disappear After Swap
The 14 alleged spies deported from Russia and the U.S. remained out of public view over the weekend amid uncertainty over where they had been taken and how they would restart their lives.
India, Iran to hold gas pipeline talks
The multi-billion-dollar Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) pipeline is back on India's agenda with the government planning to hold a bilateral meeting in Teheran on the issue after a gap of at least two years.
Kubilius: cooperation with Belarus could convince them to abandon the plans of erecting a new AE near Lithuania
Cooperation with Belarus in nuclear energy projects could convince the neighbours to abandon their plans of erecting a new nuclear power plant (AE) near Lithuania, Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius said
Polish FM on tour of Caucasus and Central Asia
Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski leaves Poland on Monday for a tour of Georgia, Armenia and Kazakhstan.
US-Russia reset on the skids
Last week, with a neat turn of phrase, United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton captured the quintessence of the United States "reset" of ties with Russia.
Poland's New President Unifies Government
Poland has a new president, Bronislaw Komorowski, who was declared the winner of the second round of presidential elections. The results of Sunday's election bring the presidency more in line with the government, and could strengthen Poland's ties with the rest of Europe.