What Did China Get for Backing Iran Sanctions?
A week after announcing a uranium-swap agreement with Turkey and Brazil, Iran on Monday formally submitted the proposal to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna — and in doing so, as Tehran sees it, put the proverbial ball back in the court of the U.S. and its allies.
Russia's new foreign policy puts business first
Russia has discovered a new ideology in its foreign policy: money.
SCENARIOS - Russia revives WTO bid. Will it collapse again?
Russia will resume talks to join the World Trade Organisation next month, a year after suspending them to create a customs union with Belarus and Kazakhstan.
US visit as Korean crisis mounts
The US secretary of state visits South Korea as the North cuts ties after being blamed for sinking a warship.
The Reemergence of Russian Geopolitical Power in the Black and Caspian Seas Region: Implications for Turkey and the Wider Power Balances (254 Kb)
Energy and security: Russia’s new obsession with the wider Black Sea region Revived by the economic recovery it has witnessed in recent years, and not necessarily weakened by the global financial crisis, Russia is demonstrating itself to be an increasingly assertive (political and economic) force in the wider-Black and Caspian Seas (BCS) basin. Exerting influence in the BCS region is a crucial element in the Russian geopolitical strategy, given the region’s importance both as an energy producer as well as its vitality as a primary corridor for the transit of oil and gas to international markets.
Russia offers Poland stake in Baltic nuclear plant
Russia wants Poland to participate in the construction of the Baltic nuclear power station in the Kaliningrad Oblast corridor.
Russian visas in mix for Turkey's nuclear plant
During Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's visit to Ankara this month, Turkey and Russia enhanced their multi-dimensional partnership by signing 17 agreements.
China and US discuss currency reform in Beijing
Chinese President Hu Jintao has promised to reform his country's currency-exchange-rate system but rejected US demands to appreciate the yuan faster. US Secretary of State Clinton is leading the 200-strong US delegation.