ECB's Draghi says expects lending to pick up soon in 2015
European Central Bank President Mario Draghi said on Thursday he expects bank lending, a key impediment to growth in the euro zone at the moment, to pick up early next year.
Airbus signs tentative deal to open new plant in China
Airbus took a step on Friday toward opening a second plant in China by signing a letter of intent with Chinese authorities to set up a cabin completion center for its wide-body A330 jets.
OECD sees stable growth for major economies, weaker in euro zone
Most major world economies are continuing to show stable growth momentum, but within the euro zone Germany and Italy are losing steam, the OECD said on Wednesday.
Floods of Ukrainian refugees seek new life in Russia
After three days trapped in a cellar by shelling, Svetlana and Sergei Divenko left their home in eastern Ukraine and fled to Russia with their two children and a single bag.
IMF cuts growth outlook, warns on euro zone, Japan
The International Monetary Fund cut its global economic growth forecasts for the third time this year on Tuesday, warning of weaker growth in core euro zone countries, Japan and big emerging markets like Brazil.
Finance minister warns Russia can't afford military spending plan
Russia's finance minister said on Tuesday the country could no longer afford a multi-billion-dollar revamp of the armed forces approved by President Vladimir Putin, stepping up a campaign to trim spending as sanctions over the Ukraine crisis bite.
World Bank trims China, East Asia 2014-2016 growth forecasts
The World Bank cut its 2014-2016 growth forecasts for developing East Asia, noting that China was likely to slow due to policies aimed at putting the economy on a more sustainable footing, and it also cautioned of capital-flight risks to Indonesia.
Euro zone manufacturing growth slows again in September
Manufacturing growth in the euro zone slowed further in September as new orders contracted for the first time in over a year on dwindling demand at home and from abroad, a business survey showed on Wednesday.