China's gold moves in Australia
As Pure Speculation has remarked previously, the global grab of commodities now being orchestrated from Beijing did not, until recently, include one commodity close to our heart.
Belarus to provide Lithuania with further information on nuclear plant
Lithuania asked Belarus to provide further clarification and information on the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant. As Telegraf journalist learnt, the Belarusian side is ready to provide Lithuania all the documents of interest
Turkey, Iran and a nuclear OPEC
Turkey’s facilitator role in nuclear negotiations between Iran and the West (specifically the P5+1) has resumed with some change in form. After much noise and clatter after Turkey voted “no” to the United Nations Security Council’s resolution on a number of sanctions against Iran, the parties chose İstanbul as the venue for their meeting slated for late January 2011, which confirms Turkey’s objective and neutral role and position in these talks.
Belarus could attend nuke summit
The Nuclear Security Summit planned for 2012 in Seoul is expected to have one additional participant — Belarus.
Korea, Japan, Russia to Make Joint Bid for Mongolian Coal Mine
Firms from Korea, Japan and Russia will make a joint bid in January for the rights to develop a large coal mine in Mongolia.
Kyrgyz Prime Minister sets off for Russia with a working trip
Kyrgyz Prime Minister set off on a working trip to Russia. It is a first foreign trip of Almazbek Atambayev in the status of the head of the Kyrgyz Government
Turkmenistan: Turning the Tables on Russia
In public appearances, Turkmenistan's leader Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov tends to maintain a stern visage, a look befitting a man who heads one of the most repressive states on earth.
Ukraine's Yanukovych suggests Russia give up South Stream
A report prepared by the World Energy Council's Ankara-based Turkish National Committee (DEK-TMK) suggests that Turkey's dependency on foreign energy will continue to increase in 2011 in parallel with the its notable economic growth.