Poghosyan Beniamin
Expert in the security
and geo-strategy of the wider
Caucasus and Black Sea regions
Vice President for Research, National Defence Research University (NDRU) Armenia, Executive Director, Political Science Association of Armenia (PSAA)
Dr. Benyamin Poghosyan is Vice President for Research at the National Defense Research University in Armenia holding this position since August 2016. In 2013 he was a Research Fellow at the US National Defense University. His primary research areas are geopolitics of the South Caucasus, US – Russian relations, and their implications for the region. He joined Institute for National Strategic Studies (predecessor of NDRU) in March 2009 as a Research Fellow and was appointed as INSS Deputy Director for research in November 2010. Before this, he was Foreign Policy Adviser of the Speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia. Dr. Poghosyan has also served as a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences, and was an adjunct professor at Yerevan State University and in the European Regional Educational Academy. He is the author of more than 40 Academic papers in different leading Armenian and international journals. Dr. Poghosyan is a graduate from the US State Department Program on US National Security Policy Making. He holds a PhD in History and is a graduate from the Tavitian Certificate Program on International Relations at Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.
Registered at July 07, 2011 11:41
Last visited at September 02, 2011 11:25