Lounnas Dr. Djallil
EGF Affiliated Expert with focus on Insurgency and Trans-national radicalism in North Africa and Sahel-Sahara
Dr. Djallil LOUNNAS, specialises in Insurgency and Trans-national radicalism in North Africa and Sahel-Sahara. Dr. Djallil LOUNNAS completed his Ph.D. in political science, from Université de Montreal in September 2010. His dissertation topic dealt with the Iranian nuclear crisis. He also holds a Masters Degree in political science from Universite de Montreal and a Bachelor degree in political science and history from McGill University. Since January 2011, he has been working as Assistant Professor at EGE Rabat. He teaches International Relations Theory and Middle East foreign Policy focused courses. His research has focused on Al Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and more specifically, how this specific Algerian organization, extremely weak in 2006, turned into a sahelian organization, becoming within a few years the most powerful affiliate of Al Qaida at the global level.
His recent publications include:
- «La sécurité au Sahel: le defi de d’Al Qaida au Maghreb Islamique» collective book, in process.
- «China and The Iranian Nuclear Crisis : Between Ambiguities and Interests », European Journal of East Asian Studies, (Volume 10, Number 2, 2011).
- Book Review, « Radicalism and Political Reform in The Islamic and Western World», Revue Francaise de Science Politique (To Be published, February 2012).
- «L'islamisme au Maghreb et le Printemps arabe», revue Foro Internacional, (March 2012). ("Islamic Mouvements in Maghreb and The Arab Spring")
- «AQMI: filière d’Al Qaida ou organisation algérienne », revue Maghreb Machrek, (spring 2011). (AQIM: Affiliate of Al Qaida or Algerian Organization")
- «Al Qaeda au Maghreb Islamique : résilience et changements » in Pierre Pahlavi (dir.), Military Wargaming for Irregular War¬fare ?, dans le cadre d’un programme de recherche pour « R&D pour la défense Canada», (avril, 2011),
- «L’extension du programme de partenariat mondial aux anciens pays proliférateurs», dans Stéfanie Von Hlatky ( dir.), Le Partenariat Mondial du G8 : pistes de réflexion pour un programme en expansion. Rapport présenté au Programme de partenariat mondial, Ottawa: Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du commerce international, (mai 2010).
- «Les martyrs d’Allah: la logique des attentats suicides». Les Chroniques du GERSI, (Groupe d’Études et de Recherche sur la Sécurité Internationale), volume 3, numéro 4, (mai 2008).
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