EU intends to initial association agreement with Ukraine although persecution of opposition hinders Ukraine's European integration (2 Mb)
Post-Revolution Tunisia: Still Waiting for Economic Recovery
by Naim Ameur One year after the Jasmine Revolution of January 14, 2011, Tunisia has successfully advanced in its democratic transition and political reform process. The election of the National Constituent Assembly (NCA) held on October 23, 2011 was well organised, and for the first time in history, it was fair. Al-Nahdha (which means “renaissance” in Arabic), a moderate Islamic party, won 41 per cent of the NCA seats. READ MORE
EGF Turkey File (156 Kb)
Insights into Turkish Domestic and International Politics
Briefing on: "The Role of NATO in the Wider Black Sea" (106 Kb)
The dynamics of NATO's role in the South Caucasus has been considered against the backdrop of the Wider Black Sea since both geopolitical and policy reasons make the South Caucasus a too narrow geopolitical scope for the analysis of NATO's policies. In fact, in contrast to the situation before the Russo-Georgian war in 2008, the South Caucasus is currently very rarely referred as such in NATO's statements, except for the cases where the Alliance is expressing concerns over the settlement of the "frozen conflicts". READ MORE
Former Ukrainian interior minister found guilty, sentenced to four years behind bars (2 Mb)
In response to the refusal to hold negotiations under scenario proposed by Russia, Gazprom accused Naftohaz Ukrayiny of unsanctioned gas withdrawal, expressed intention to completely stop using Ukraine's gas transport system (2 Mb)
BP Energy Outlook 2030
Within the framework of the IMEMO’s Oil and Gas Dialog Forum BP's chief economist Christof Rühl presented BP Energy Outlook 2030 to the audience of the Russian academics It was stressed that the outlook’s ‘base case’ reflects a ‘to the best of our knowledge’ assessment of the world’s likely path from today’s vantage point, drawing on expertise both within and outside the company. The outlook highlights the growing role of developing economies in global energy consumption, and the increasing share of non-fossil fuels in global energy supply. It emphasizes the central role markets and well-designed policy can play to meet the dual challenge of solving the energy needs of billions of people who aspire to better lifestyles, and doing so in a way that is sustainable and secure. It also notes the uncertainties attached to any long term projection. The discipline of building a numerical projection sharpens our thinking, but the precise numbers are less important than the underlying story of the challenges we all face and the choices we make in producing and consuming energy. To read the report please click EGF or BP
The Security of the South Caucasus States and NATO (247 Kb)
With the support of the Public Diplomacy Division of NATO Headquarters (Brussels) the Region Research Center (Armenia) has started the implementa- tion of the project " The Security of the South Caucasus and NATO" (December 2011 - March 2012). READ MORE
Ukrainian parliament adopts first reading of new Criminal Procedure Code (2 Mb)
Ukrainian president appoints first Deputy Prime Minister Andriy Klyuyev as secretary of National Security and Defence Council (2 Mb)